Helping Businesses Blossom
BioEquitas solves each client’s issues by providing a comprehensive approach supported by our network of experienced professionals. Our process fosters collaboration and innovation to ensure we not only understand the core needs of clients, but also help them develop successfully. Read our success stories below.

Nutraceuticals &Â Health Food
We need new products yesterday! An established company with a new Private Equity owner, required a full pipeline of new products to deliver rapid growth. The brief – plant-based or vegetarian, with unique points-of-difference in the market, backed by science and TGA listed to access Australia. No problem!  BioEquitas analysed the markets, formulated concepts, sourced global ingredient suppliers and manufacturers, developed costings, secured regulatory compliance, worked with internal and external stakeholders to manage the project to finished goods. The result -12 unique-to-market products developed from concept through launch to consumers in a 15-month timeframe.

Regulatory Affairs & International Markets
Keeping abreast of global and local market trends and regulatory affairs by being on the ground at key international meetings, meant we were perfectly positioned to navigate a path forward for growth for our client. We studied our client’s business to create focused and effective solutions that were compliant and on-trend to access the growth of plant-based nutrition in global markets

Technical Troubleshooting & Quality
Our client was stumped. They needed fresh thinking to solve an ongoing technical problem that was impacting their global business. We were able to jump right in with our expertise, analyse the problem at a deep level, and utilize our relationships with external experts to investigate the issue thoroughly and provide recommendations for a resolution. The way we think made all the difference. And we rewrote their Quality Systems Manual too.

Adulterated or Not? That is the Question ...
A global pharmaceutical company had instigated their own DNA based identity and adulteration testing of our clients natural, New Zealand nutraceutical ingredient. The results were an unhappy surprise, and no one could explain why. The client’s global business was at serious and urgent risk. The problem was that the method was not valid for the material, and neither the global pharma, their contract analytical testing partner, or our client had a deep and specific understanding of molecular biology, and analytical assay development and validation for commercial use. Luckily BioEquitas was the perfect partner, and by specific data analysis and consistent and transparent communication with all parties, the client’s business was protected. Taking it to the next level BioEquitas developed new IP for the client – a proprietary DNA based ID assay for the client to maintain and grow their global business and protect themselves from market competition.

Stories of Success
People value test results. Consumers, regulators, formulators and brands rely heavily on the results of analytical laboratory testing as a gold standard measure of product quality, and shelf life. BioEquitas has helped multiple clients in this area. A test result is only as good as its method and the skill of the tester. Quietly and without a fuss we have worked with clients to investigate product quality issues related to formulation, stability and analytical testing. We figure it out and we help our clients navigate to a resolution that is compliant, sustainable and protects the brand in the market place.

Developing IP Through Targeted Science
Natural Health businesses often have a blue-sky idea of what they’d like to do, but don’t have the capability or capacity to undertake scientific and clinical research, and this client was no different. BioEquitas helped design and source 7 - figure government co-funding for a multi-project research portfolio. We managed the project so that the research was executed by expert partners, and so that the client retained all of the IP developed. From sensory, through in-vitro and human clinical studies the portfolio was managed from design to results.

Bugs Are Good
Microbiome, probiotics, prebiotics. Buzz words in science and in the natural health industry. Growth segments.  But they are complicated little guys! Our client wanted a pipeline of high-quality new product development. BioEquitas evaluated the market and competitor positions and developed new indication specific and first-to-market offerings in the prebiotics and probiotics space in NZ and Australia. All backed by clinical studies. Our expertise enabled our client to navigate this complicated and rapidly changing space. The result - 4 new market leading products.

Health for Our Furry Best Friends
Saddle up – this was quite a ride! Design and funding of the randomized placebo controlled clinical trial, through project management, to paper writing, journal selection, paper submission and presentation of results internationally was just the beginning. BioEquitas then worked with the client to formulate products and prepare regulatory dossiers and scientific marketing collateral to access local and global markets.

Oceans of Evidence
The science behind natural products often starts small and grows – like a natural product – in one direction quickly, and in another it dies off, sometimes blooming and sometimes going to seed, and never quite to plan. 30 years of research into the mode of action of a unique New Zealand nutraceutical grew a garden of science that needed a good weed, and some sunlight. BioEquitas undertook a complete review and categorization of the entire research portfolio, found lost reports and sourced papers and compiled a comprehensive research dossier with levels of evidence, claims and recommendations for future research direction. We organised the science so it was easy to navigate and utilize. Our client used this straight away to develop new marketing collateral for global sales growth.

GMP Audits - opportunity for process improvement and improved efficiencies, source of stress, and too much paperwork or necessary evil? Everyone has an opinion, and there’s no getting away from them if you are in the business. Our client was smart and asked us to help with both process improvements and pre-audit preparation. We love detail and problem solving and got stuck right in. We worked with the client to improve processes in place to tangible measurable outcomes, and we put our audit hats on and identified issues and helped the client formulate acceptable action plans to a resolution. Outcome – product improved – happy customers and more sales. Oh - and a successful external audit. Nice!

Interference Issues
The amazing thing about medical diagnostic testing that consumers take for granted, is just how accurate blood tests are. Everyone’s blood is not identical, and everyone’s health status is not the same and sometimes this causes issues for testing on automated platforms. BioEquitas developed an elegant solution to an interference problem for a major player in the global market. Fewer retests, faster turnaround time, happy customers.

Intellectual Property
Intellectual Property development can be a stumbling block for nutraceuticals. How do you create truly robust IP from a natural product? BioEquitas worked with our client to think laterally. We built on scientific discovery and in vitro studies to design and develop an analytical immunoassay to test the activity of the nutraceutical. We used best-practice standards to validate the assay for use as a batch test of activity in a commercial setting.  This IP allowed our client to differentiate themselves in the global market to attract both a premium price point and grow their business. Position protected!

Keeping it Real
Clinical trial design and execution is a major undertaking. It’s not for the faint hearted or light of wallet. Everyone wants a product with gold-standard clinical trial results. Expectations from clients, CROs customers and consumers can be conflicting. BioEquitas have the mettle to manage these relationships. The client always comes first, and we ensure the trial design is realistic, and that CROs deliver on their commitments. We’ve come in at the end of an unexpected outcomes and undertaken forensic analysis of trials, and we’ve worked with clients and CRO’s through trials to ensure that the trial is completed and that the design is not compromised due to initially unforeseen issues. In the nutraceutical world we understand the power of the powering correctly in trial design and we’ve helped clients design realistic and robust clinical and in vitro trials. And project managed though to conclusion. Job Done!

A New Approach to Supplements
Our client wanted a new approach to pregnancy and mother and baby dietary supplements. BioEquitas developed a personalised range of 8 products, all supported by scientific and clinical evidence with a unique story. All TGA listed, this was a first to market offering Success! Full ranging in the major pharmacy channel in NZ and ready for selected global markets. (We hear one of the big brands are now copying the range - imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.)